Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Shew How Great Things God Hath Done Unto Thee"

"Return now to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee." And he went his way, and PUBLISHED throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him. ~Luke 8:39~

Jesus said this to a man who was delivered from devil spirits and who, in gratitude, wanted to stay with Him. Instead, Jesus told him to tell people about what He has done in his life.

I don't know 'bout you, but I love to share how God touches my life! Not all of the ways are tangible, but they are no less exciting to me. I do run into cynical people, and that's fine. Their lack of belief does not take away from God's goodness for me. I think the world NEEDS to see God's goodness in our lives, no matter how great or how small. The world IS watching! Most do not recognize or acknowledge this, but they are craving God's Love. We are supposed to be examples of that Love. God uses us to reach the world! God is not willing that any perish without getting to know Him. He WANTS to bless us! He WANTS to bless the world! But the world receives Him not. We need to remember that we are lights in this world. Where sin abounds, GRACE MUCH MORE ABOUNDS! We need to encourage the world that they don't have to remain in sin! God's grace in action is amazing, and they can have that, too!

The world watches our reaction to the hurtful things in life; the disappointments, the sorrows, pain, failed expectations, hopelessness, etc. Christians should not be falling in despair, though we do find us there from time to time. The difference is not about the things that happens to us but how we respond to it. The rain falls on the just AND the unjust. So where is our confidence? How do we rise above these common situations?

God intimately knows us. He knows details of us we don't even know! More importantly, He knows our vulnerability. Sure, we can put on a front of coolness and indifference, but God knows whatever hurt we may have. He loves us. He wants us to have a peaceful and joyful heart. He is our Comforter. He is our Peace. He is our Joy. His is our Life. He takes good care of you now matter what life throws at you. How can you not want to share?  

So, what has God done for you lately? Count your blessings, name them one by one! ".... and shew how great things God hath done unto thee."

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