Sunday, July 17, 2011

Keep Your Eye on the Garden, Not the Tree

In the course of his introduction and announcements before his sermon today, our beloved pastor made a brief mention about the human state becoming so easily depressed about the things that are wrong in our lives rather than counting our blessings for the rest of the things that are right in our lives.

God provided such a beautiful garden, full of enticing endless wonders, completely sustainable even by such a novice gardener as Adam. But there was that ONE tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that drew Eve's attention. For all that she could have, the serpent in the garden beguiled her into believing that the permissible garden was just not enough. She became mesmerized by that tree of knowledge of good and evil, believing that God is holding out on her, clearly focused on what she doesn't have rather than the abundance she already does have. Unfortunately, that fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil ruined mankind for the rest of our days.

I know I can get stuck at the tree in the garden from time to time. Sometimes I get down about the circumstances that surround me, but when I really take my eye off of my doubts, fears, trials, and realize that I'm still greatly blessed beyond measure (two healthy sons; wonderful hubby; wonderful home; flexibility to be there for my family; our health; ability to have meals, paid bills, etc.....). Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God..... His world is indeed amazing, even still. :)

His "world" expands farther than the eye can see, but as you travel along it, His amazing "garden" becomes even more expansive. I don't need to focus on the tree any more, I've got a garden to explore! :)

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